A weblog is a specialized website that is usually an online journal of some kind. There are millions of weblogs currently on the internet. Weblogs are sometimes called "blogs" and those who write them are often called "bloggers".
How is a blog organized? Well, on the main page of most blogs, you will find the latest seven entries. The last entry is on top. If you want to read a blog chronologically, go to the bottom of the main page and read the earliest entry, then move up the page. It feels backwards until you get used to it. Each time a blogger posts something, the oldest entry is moved off the main page and into the archives.
Blogging started out as a very personal way for a small number of Internet trendsetters to communicate via an online diary or journal. Then, as you may recall, political blogs became mainstream leading up to the 2004 presidential election. Now, just a few years later, professional and business blogs are becoming more and more common for a number of reasons.
Blogging has spawned its own vocabulary with terms like "blogosphere", the interconnected universe of blogs; "bloggerati", which is a knowledgeable inner circle of bloggers and "blogroll", which are links to a blogger's favorite blogs.
for detail what is a BLOG you can find it here What is a BLOG

What is a BLOG

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:O intinya ya nulis di internet eehehehe